Basic knowledge of electronic components
The more basic function of its electronic components is to impede the flow of electricity. The two basic parameters for measuring resistors are resistance and power. The resistance value is used to express the magnitude of the resistance to the current obstruction, expressed in ohms. In addition to the basic units, there are kilohm and megohm. The power is used to indicate the larger current that the resistor can withstand, expressed in watts, there are 1/16W, 1/8W, 1/4W, 1/2W, 1W, 2W, etc., more than this larger value, the resistor will burn out. According to the different production materials of the resistor, there are cement resistance (low production cost, large power, large thermal noise, insufficient resistance, unstable work), carbon film resistance, metal film resistance (small volume, stable work, low noise, high precision) and metal oxide film resistance and so on.